Yep, just bought 'em. I'm pretty excited about their show... I'm not like their biggest fan or anything, but I do think they are one of the greatest bands of our time, and I am quite happy to say that I get to see them!
So since I last wrote, not a whole lot has happened. There's a bunch of drama going at my "workplace" and it's just a bunch of high school bullshit. Like no one has the balls to straight up tell someone they have a problem, so instead they beat around the bush and form alliances and do the exact things they accuse everyone else of doing.
My sociological self would say that it is a very Marxist environment at this time. But it is true, there is definitely a battle of sorts and it pisses me off because I previously worked somewhere, where the same thing happened. It is always a wonder to me how people who have no leadership or people skills find themselves in charge of other people. And of course, deep down, these people know they are awful at what they do, and they suffer from anxiety and stress everyday because they are not doing what their skill set is made for. Or they become mega-bitches because they are insecure about how bad they are at their jobs.
I hope no one thinks I am slamming these people, all I am saying is that not everyone has leadership qualities and there is nothing wrong with that, it is just the fact of the matter.
So, yeah, it's annoying to say the least. At this point, I feel like I have enough experience with people like this to know how to deal with them, and I have been quietly building my case against them. Who knows if I will actually need it or not, however, it is reassuring to know that if need be I could defend myself and my other co-workers.
I'm one of those people, that I can guarantee you would rather not mess with.
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