Aack. Sometimes life gets in the way of all the things you mean to do. I know I haven't kept up on writing. Last post is June. Today it is January.
Weeellllll. Since we last spoke I took a quick jaunt across the world. I went to Africa. A place that I've dreamt of seeing since I first heard the opening credits of The Lion King. A reason for my absence was that in order to finance my trip I worked, from June till September, two jobs... full time. I am not sure if I've recovered from that exhaustion still.
Aside from funding my trip, I learned some valuable lessons while working my ass off. Number one: I am a workoholic. I would rather be working, or schooling, than not. I can not imagine my life not filled to the brim with meetings, assignments, deadlines... and for the moment I wouldn't have it any other way.
Number two: when I put my mind to something, I will do whatever it takes to get it done. I think that this is a good quality.
Number three: I need a higher paying job. How awesome would it have been if I had made double?
So there it is. If you're wondering how my trip was you can do one of two things:
a) ask me in person
b) keep reading
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